Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 31, 2008

I'm now 3.67kg (8lb 1oz)!

My head circumference is now 38cm (up from 33cm at birth)!
My body length has increased by 3cm to 53cm! I had a Maternal and Childcare Nurse check me out yesterday. I seem to be doing very well!

Mummy, Daddy and me.

Butter doesn't melt in my mouth!

Hanging out on the couch

I met my Nana Sue!

Here's me and Nana Sue, who's visiting me from the New South Wales Central Coast.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

I now weigh 3.32kg (7lb 5oz)

Just chillin'.

Here I am having a bath at 7 days old. About an hour after my bath the cord and peg came off revealing a belly button.

Here's a publicity still from my "Baby don't cry" video.

Auntie Kate, Uncle Paul and me.

Cousin Tom and Daddy try to play with me, but I'm tired.

Here I am with Auntie Kate, Uncle Paul and cousin William, who is 15 months old. William is going to take me nightclubbing in Sydney when I'm older.

Here are some photo's from the hopital and home. Mummy and Daddy are too busy meeting my needs to take photos!! I'm a natural feeder and have put on lots of weight.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Day 2 and 3 photos

This photo was taken right after Daddy showed me his computer. When I try to type sggggtdytgc happens!

My Nana Sue bought me this pink blanket. My middle name is thanks to Nana Sue.

Here's my playthingy, which I'll make more use of later.

Day 3: Here's me in the cot - I'm not sure that I like sleeping away from Mummy's or Daddy's arms yet...

I came home at age 2 days and here I am outside with Fudge the dog, while Mummy and Daddy have a bbq.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

At home on day 3

Here I am lying on the bed while listening to INXS.

Photos from the hospital

Sleeping is good!

Calling all baby catalogue makers - I'm available for modelling hats!

This is my Daddy, Richard Wardle holding me in the first few hours. I like my Daddy ;)

Hi! My name is Anabella Sue.

Here I am with my mummy, Polly. I've just had my first bath and I needed it! After having a wash I discovered that I had blond hair! I then had a nap because I was tired from the labour ;)
- Anabella

Little Anabella arrives on January 9th 2008!

Here is the little one at nine hours of age!