Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

At Noosa with Mummy

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My first swim

Here I am at Noosa beach. The water was a lot colder than I'm used to in my bath. I liked watching the waves.
Here I am just about to be splashed by the wave...
...which surprised me and made me cry.

Monday, July 7, 2008

At Noosa Spit with Daddy

Sunday, July 6, 2008

My first vacation - part 2: Noosa Harbourtown

Here I am at lunch with my Auntie Antoinet. I had my first taste of barramundi fish - it was yummy and most ended up in my belly, unlike Avocado which usually ends up all over me.

This is my cousin Samantha. We like to play together.
Cousin Scott likes to pick me up and give me cuddles.
This is me prior to having my first bit of fish. Notice the clean face - this is now unusual for me and I've developed a taste for foods such as bananas, mandarines and baby food.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Pelican heaven!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My first vacation - part 1

And here is a nice view of the NSW Central Coast. Nanna Sue, Mummy and Daddy had a nice lunch while I slept and then we went for a walk along the waterfront.You can see the water behind me ;)

Here I am at the beach called The Entrance. I like the beach!
Here's Ned Kelly's statue in Glenrowan, Victoria. We had lunch here and I had my first ever chip!!
My Mummy and Daddy drove me to visit Nanna Sue in Gosford. Daddy's GPS has marked on our route on the map. I was very good - I slept most of the way. After stopping a few times we finally arrived after 12 hours of driving, in which we covered 963 km!