Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Not suitable for children under 36 months...

yeah right! I'm 17 months and this is awesome.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

I like to go to the shops because...

these ride-things are great! I get a parent to put a coin in a slot and I go for a ride. If they say "No more, you already had 3 rides", I throw a tantrum and get ride number 4 ;)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Messy me messing with Mummy and Daddy

I can eat without making a mess, but why bother? It's fun to see Mummy and Daddy cry.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Bouncy Bouncy

Here I am with Daddy and the big bouncy ball!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Shots from a lazy Sunday

Here I m taking Teddy for a stroll at the shops. After we went shopping I went home and ate the dinner that I made (Daddy helped). Last weekend Daddy let me help put the slow cooker meal on and since then I've been willing to help cook . Tonight we had mild chicken curry and it was yummy!

As soon as I see the camera I always want to try to grab it!...

Daddy and I made some popcorn. Keeping it in the bowl is a bit challenging...

It wasn't me ;)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My first posed photo

Daddy went outside to take a photo of some hail that fell and made the ground look like it was covered in snow (whatever that is). Mummy and I had a look through the window and I smiled for my first photo when Daddy lifted the camera. There's a bit of reflection from the flash, but I like this photo because by smiling for it I proved that I'm a big girl now.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

17 months old today!

Last weekend, Daddy put safety catches on all the kitchen cupboards so I'm no longer able to pull everything out of them. As a result, I have to employ some newly-learned problem solving skills to reach things that I shouldn't. In this case, I drag my chair to the counter that I want to access, then I just climb on it and hey presto! I can reach things on the top! :)